
Showing posts from July, 2017

Lab 21: Titration Lab

Lab 21: Titration Lab Set Up of the Lab  Analayte at equivalence (pale pink) Summary of Procedure: The first step to this lab was rinsing the burette with water and then with the base NaOH. After rinsing, we filled the burette with 0.25 NaOH up to the 0mL line using a funnel. For the first trial, we measured out 7.08 mL of vinegar which was our acid and 20 mL of water. We added it to our erelymer flask and 5 drops of the phenolphthalein acid. We put in our magnetic stirrer and put the flask on top of our hot plate and turned on the spinner to 160 RMPs which started the automatic mixing. We added the NaOH in slow increments. For the first try, we went a few drops over using 23.20 mL of the base. We did repeated the steps but with 7.02 mL of the vinegar (acid) and used 24.21 mL of the base and we slowly dropped in the NaOh until it reached a faint pink color when the analayte reached equivalence.  Data: Percent Ionization: [H3O+] / [CH3COOH] x 100 = 0.50%

Lab 20: Solubility Inquiry Lab

Lab 20: Solubility Inquiry Lab Introduction/Purpose:  The purpose of this lab was to create a procedure on our own to identify the mystery solid using solubility, qualitative, and qualitative data. In this lab, we were given some information on our lab manual including the three different solubility curves of NaCl, NaNO3, and KNO3. We were also given materials like beakers, graduated cylinders, a thermometer, and the mystery solid. What we did was create a plan of action where we choose how we would set up the procedure. We then carried out the procedure and found out that the mystery solid was insoluble meaning that our mystery solid was NaCl.  Solubility curves  shows us whether a solution is saturated or not. Saturation is the point in which no more solute can be dissolved in the solvent Unsaturated is when no more solute can be dissolved and the solvent has not reached maximum capacity Supersaturated is the point past saturation and the solvent has reached max

Lab 18: Alka Seltzer and the Ideal Gas Law

Lab 18: Alka Seltzer and the Ideal Gas Law Summary: In this lab, we determined the amount of CO2 that was given off from the two Alka Seltzer tablets reacting with the water. We used it in the ideal gas law to determine how much gas was produced after the reaction occurred. After crushing the Alka Seltzer, we filled the balloon with the powder and when the powder reacted with the water, it produced CO2 that filled the balloon. When the reaction stopped, with no more fizzing from the reaction, we measured the circumference of the balloon. After measuring the circumference, we filled the balloon to the same size with water to find the volume. Finding the volume of the balloon helped to find the amount of CO2 in the balloon when using the Ideal Gas Law. Data Table: Calculations: Analysis Questions: 1. There are several experimental errors that may have occurred during this experiment, some being when measuring the circumference of the gas filled balloon accurately,

Lab 16: Specific Heat of a Metal

Lab 16: Specific Heat of a Metal Summary:  In this lab, we identified a mystery metal by determining the specific heat and comparing it to the list of given specific heats. To find the specific heat of the metal, we put the metal in a beaker and put it on a hot plate. W e had one cup of water in a styrofoam cup where we measured the initial temperature of which was 20 °C. The second beaker of water on the hot plate was boiling at 95 °C and w hen it reached 95 °C we took it out and put it into the cold water. We then measured the final temperature of the water in the styrofoam cup after putting the heated metal piece into the styrofoam cup. We used calorimetry and water to determine the temperature change which is how the process worked since the heat lost by the hot metal is gained by the styrofoam cup of water. After collecting our data, we calculated heat gained, specific heat of the metal, and compared it to ehe table with he given specific heats. Although ours was qu

Lab 15: Evaporation and Intermolecular Attractions

Lab 15: Evaporation and Intermolecular Attractions  Purpose: In this lab, we had five different substances that we measured the difference in temperature before anf after letting the liquid evaporate for four minutes. The purpose of this lab was to figure out the strongest intermolecular bond out of the five substances. Pre Lab Table: Lab Data: Questions:  2. The difference that Methanol had was -15  °C, Ethanol at -9.3 °C, n-Butanol with -3 °C, Glycerin at 3.7 °C and lastly Water at -3.4 °C. Between all five of the substances, the one with the biggest difference was Methanol with -15 °C which also shows has the weakest bond. While Glycerin with 3.7 °C has the strongest bond. The differences in the initial temperature and final temperature helps us understand the strength of the bond. This is because where there is a higher difference, there is a weaker bond and with a smaller difference there is a stronger bond. The differences in temperature for each of the s

Lab 14: Create a Smell Lab: Ester Synthesis

Lab 14: Create a Smell Lab: Ester Synthesis During this lab, we learned how a molecule can be changed into a different molecule using chemistry. We created different smells with acids like salicylic acid, acetic acid and sulfuric acid. Along with the acid's there were also alcohols that we used including isopentyl alcohol and methyl alcohol. We transformed the smells into esters by mixing certain alcohols with acids to create an initial smell and when put into the hot water it changed into an ester. 1. The odors of the first mixture before heating was a sharp, sour candy with a medicinal smell and after heating it was a sweeter smell of banana laffy taffy's with a hint of a nail polish smell. The odors of the second mixture before heating was a smelly vinegar and after heating it was an intense nail remover smell. The odors of the third mixture was a sweet/sour, sour patch kids candy smell and after heating it smelled like minty, wint o green lifesavers. They are differ

Lab 12: Electron Configuration Battleship

Lab 12: Electron Configuration Battleship When you lose... Biggest Challenge The biggest challenge while playing the electron configuration battleship was figuring out where she placed her ships on the periodic table and guessing strategically where they were. Along with that, the pronunciation of certain elements.  Learned Some things that I learned while playing the electron configuration battleship was how to quickly read the electron configuration as I played as well as a better understanding of it. I also learned a new, different way of playing battleship with the periodic table and the electron configuration.

Lab 11: Flame Test Lab

Lab 11: Flame Test Lab Summary:  The purpose of this lab was to find out what the two unknown compounds were by putting the soaked wooden splints under the flame and to see what color it emitted. We did this for 9 other compounds to see the color it emitted and to compare it against the unknown to find out what they were.  Identity of Unknown 1&2: The identity of unknown 1 was Lithium Chloride (LiCl) The identity of unknown 2 was Potassium Chloride (KCl) Pre Lab: The difference between ground trip and excited state and ground state is when it is in an excited state the atom/ion jumped to a higher energy level and it is unstable, while a ground state is stable and in its lowest energy level unlike the excited state. The word emit means to release or give off something like when electrons emit radiation and wavelengths. The atoms get their excess energy from being heated at the high temperatures when the electron absorbs energy and jumps to higher energy

Lab 10: Mole-Mass Relationships Lab

Lab 10: Mole-Mass Relationships Lab Purpose: The purpose of the mole-mass relationships lab was to determine the relationship in the reaction of sodium bicarbonate and hydrochloric acid that produced salt, carbon dioxide, and water. We calculated the theoretical amount of NaCl from the equation and compare it to the yield after heating the evaporating dish on the hot plate. We then used the data we collected to find the percent yield. Error: There were very possible measurement errors in the masses of the different materials, the amount of time that it took for the sodium bicarbonate and hydrochloric acid to evaporate, and the temperature of the hot plate. Questions 1-4 Progression of Evaporation

Lab 9: Composition of a Copper Sulfate Hydrate Lab

Lab 9: Composition of a Copper Sulfate Hydrate Lab This lab was finding the composition of copper sulfate by dehydrating it. Initially we had a hydrate but we heated it on the hot plate until it became hydrate and the color changed from blue to grey. ; 5a. The moles of water evaporated was 0.017 moles in H2O. 5b. The moles of CuSO4 (anhydrate) that remained in the evaporating dish was 0.0056 moles of CuSO4. 5c. The ratio of moles of CuSO4 to moles of H2O is 3:21:1 5d. The empirical formula of the hydrate: 1 CuSO4  •  3 H2O Our percent error was 7.42% which was a slight miscalculation and was pretty accurate. We could have had too much of the substance that could have effected to accuracy of the lab.

Lab 8: Mole Baggie Lab

Lab 8: Mole Baggie Lab The purpose of the mole baggie lab was to understand the connections with mass, moles, and molar mass. In the mole baggie lab we had to calculate to molar mass of the mysterious compounds in the two given plastic bags to find out what each substance was. For each plastic bag there was certain amount of information given and with that we had to find the substance. We were first given all the possible compound that the substance in the bag could be and we calculated the molar mass of all possible compounds. A4 is Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3)! For the first baggie, Vedika and I had bag A4. The mass of the actual bag was 2.57g which was labeled on the bag. We found the mass of the bag and the mystery contents inside which was 6.6g. To find the mass of the mystery substance we had to subtract the weight of the bag to get 4.03g.  We then divided the number of moles labeled on the bag as 0.040 moles and we found the molar mass which was 100.75 g/mol. The molar