Lab 16: Specific Heat of a Metal

Lab 16: Specific Heat of a Metal


In this lab, we identified a mystery metal by determining the specific heat and comparing it to the list of given specific heats. To find the specific heat of the metal, we put the metal in a beaker and put it on a hot plate. We had one cup of water in a styrofoam cup where we measured the initial temperature of which was 20°C. The second beaker of water on the hot plate was boiling at 95°C and when it reached 95°C we took it out and put it into the cold water. We then measured the final temperature of the water in the styrofoam cup after putting the heated metal piece into the styrofoam cup. We used calorimetry and water to determine the temperature change which is how the process worked since the heat lost by the hot metal is gained by the styrofoam cup of water. After collecting our data, we calculated heat gained, specific heat of the metal, and compared it to ehe table with he given specific heats. Although ours was quite off most likely due to miscalculations and lost heat due to certain factors, we were still able to determine what our mystery metal was.


How we identified our mystery metal was using our data to finish filling out the data table above to help us with our calculations. We then calculated the specific heat by finding the heat gained by the water then the heat lost by the metal which equals the heat gained by the water. From that we compared our number which we calculated below, with the table given to us to find out that the metal was aluminum. 

Although our number was quite off, at the number 2560 J/kg °C that number was the closest to the number for aluminum which was 901 J/kg °C.


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